Friday, 16 September 2011

How to comment

Well done for making it onto the EWS Science blog! Please keep visiting to keep up-to-date with all the news.

I'm really enjoying reading your comments about the articles - so please keep blogging (remember those prizes!)

If you're not sure how to comment, follow these instructions (or come and ask me!).

1. Read the article that has been posted by your teacher.
2. Click "comment" underneath the article.
3. Write your thoughts/ views/ comments/ opinions/ ideas/ add further links to relevant articles...
4. Click on the drop-down menu and select "Name/URL"
5. Enter your name.
6. Then you can either preview your post to see what it will look like and then post. Or just post it.

Good luck, and happy blogging!


  1. hello ews wow cool now i can keep up with this whole thing yayyyyyy

  2. Please don't forget to put your name on posts! :-)

  3. Oh right i forgot to put my name :S...i am slowly getting used to this. Just to clarify I am Zahra in 10COL :D

  4. this is really amazing im always reading blogs
